November 18, 2022
The Housing Authority of the City of Pottsville will be submitting its 5 Year Action Plan on January 15, 2023 as required by the Department of Housing & Urban development (HUD). You are herewith afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the draft report. A...
October 1, 2018
Bridging the gap and improving community interaction one coffee cup at a time. Yesterday the PHA and the Pottsville Police Department held our 1st Coffee with a Cop event. Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over...
May 11, 2017
For numerous years there have been misconceptions about how Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs provide assistance and who receives the support. During the debate of congressional budgeting, it is vital to know the role Housing Authorities play in...
May 11, 2017
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets income limits that determine eligibility for assisted housing programs including the Public Housing, Section 8 project-based, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Section 202 housing for the elderly, and Section...
May 11, 2017
The Pottsville Housing Authority and The City of Pottsville will again, this year, sponsor the Summer Recreation Program at 15 sites throughout The City of Pottsville. The Summer Program runs from Monday, June 12th to Tuesday, August 1st, 2017. A parent or legal...